Atualmente na Hungria não esta sendo diferente. Um país fechado por motivos políticos por muitos anos, hoje consegue promover uma liga extremamente organizada e viável.
László Tóth é mais um amante da bola oval e atual presidente da MAFSZ com muita competência.
Ano passado, László fez um convite muito especial ao meu amigo André José Adler para fazer parte desse grande projeto.
Sideline: How was created the league Hungarian of American football?
László Tóth: 10 years ago only one team played american football in Hungary, this was the Budapest Cowboys that ceased (is it a right word to use or maybe ended??) in 2000. Detailed information on them is available on their web page at the history part.
In 2004, by the time of the Super Bowl, the american football in Hungary resurrected. This process was started by Árpa Attila and the fundig of Budapest Wolves.In 2005, we met Attila and talked about the football and the future, and we cleared-out, that I can set up the association and he and his team can popularize the sport itself through the media.Previously I've set up futsal competitions for grown-ups and children, so I had experience in organization and working in an association.In 2005 other 5-6 teams had been funded because of the affection of the Wolves and the media, and on 2005.08.21. I summoned them for a discussion.I made the NCAA Rules book to be translated, whic the 6 existing teams accepted. We agreed in the organization of the league, that started on 2005.09.10. and finally 4 teams took part on it. The first Hungarian Bowl, the final was held on the 19th November.All along the regular season and the final the Sport1tv channel broadcasted highlights, and because of that, further teams had been funded in other cities.I organized the Hungarian American Football Association until 2005.12.16. with 4 firms, 2 teams and 4 private individual. On 18.12.2005, 8 other teams joined the association, which effected that the MAFSZ (Hungarian American Football Association) was officially registered on 2006.01.18.
Sideline: How many teams participate of the league currently?
László Tóth: Considering today's registry, there are 16 teams in the Association.
Sideline: How you evaluate the popularity of the American Football in its country?
László Tóth: In Hungary, this sport is in an explosive growth, in 2005 there were only 230 signed players, but now we have more than 1100. The 16 teams have more than 30000 fans, and on tv, the american football programmes have at about 450-500000 viewers.In Hungary, this is a significant amount!
Sideline: How it is made the choices of the athletes? They are all amateur?
László Tóth: The players apply themselves to the team they have chosen, where the choaches find the most suitable position for the applicant by makeup, skill and other professional aspects. So yes, in Hungary every player is an amateurish, that means they do the sport after work.
Sideline: When appeared the idea to invite Andre Jose Adler to work with yourselves?
László Tóth: I met with André in August, 2006 on the 'Sziget Festival', where we held an exhibition match for the young people.We both felt sympathy and we kept in touch. In Spetember, 2006 the Blue Bowl Hungarian Cup started and I invited André to the matches where he met some people of the media. by the turn between October and November the Sport Klub Tv channel asked André to broadcast NCAA matches for them. Since André worked with the ESPN and had a great experience with the NFL, I asked him to analyse the NFL's matches in a heading called 'Heti André' - 'André Weekly'. This is how our common work started, and now we're at making a tv show called Touchdown.
László Tóth e André José Adler
Sideline: How it is to work with Andre Jose Adler?
László Tóth: It is good, because he is highly adept at the american football and he is a pro in making programmes, so we are agree together. We can discuss things straight if it's good or if we need to improve something.
Sideline: Which the best way that the Brazilian leagues must take, to the same have success that the Hungarian League obtained?
László Tóth: I think that we need some fanatic organizers who believe and can make believe it's surroungings that this is a nice and intelligent sport. Who can gather the groups who think it seriously that they want to do this sport for a long time. Who can realistically organize the short, mid and long-time plans, which needs to realistic measurements that where they are, and what they need to improve the sport and for the background. And of course a TV channel is needed that broadcasts the programmes.
Sideline: It will be that one day still we can dream enters a meeting between Hungry x Brazil?
László Tóth: Hopefully yes. We'll need to know the cost of it, or rather that Brazilian teams' level.
Sideline: What you find of the country of the soccer, also to have gotten passionate for the oval ball?
Sideline: What you find of the country of the soccer, also to have gotten passionate for the oval ball?
László Tóth: I think that in this area in Brazil the soccer will be the leader sport for a long time. I also know that Brazil is a big country with many inhabitants. In my oppinion, with a good organizer, PR and marketing work annd with the competent persistence, TV background, and of course adequate financial support, I see a big chance that Brazil will give important sportsmen to the World in that area too.
Greeting to the fans of american football in Brazil.
Um comentário:
É impressionante que só com um pouco de boa vontade, inteligência e organização, É possivel fazer muitas coisa. Sem falar nas briguinhas de egos que acontecem aem alguns estados do brasil que realmente atrapalham !!! Os caras em 2 anos fizeram mais do que algumas ligas em 7.
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